How to Create an Exceptional Onboarding Experience for Remote Workers
When it comes to onboarding remote employees, businesses need to approach the process differently to ensure a smooth and successful transition. By designing an onboarding plan that’s tailored to the remote worker, you can create an exceptional onboarding experience. This will set your new hires up for success, wherever they’re based.
Here’s what you need to know about onboarding remote workers.
Set Expectations from Day ONE
One of the main challenges with hiring remotely is managing expectations. Both from the employees’ side and from yours.
From the employers’’ side, it’s important to be both transparent and consistent with your expectations for the role from the very start of the process. The responsibilities you outline in the job spec should remain true when your new hire starts. By under or over selling your expectations, you damage the trust between manager and employee before you’ve had a chance to build it.
From an employees’ side, understanding how people like to be managed is crucial for success. By understanding what their expectations from their manager are, you can ensure that you’re offering them the right amount of support, in a structure that suits them.
Management Training
Their main point of call will be their direct line manager, so it’s important to train senior member of staff and supervisors on how to effectively onboard and manage remote employees. This training should cover topics such as setting clear expectations, providing feedback, and using technology to support remote work.
Invest in Technology
Investing in technology is another key part of preparing for the onboarding of remote employees. This includes ensuring that remote employees have access to the same tools and resources as their on-site counterparts. Additionally, you’ll need to consider how you’ll manage communication and collaboration between remote employees and the rest of your team. Thankfully, there are numerous cloud-based planning tools, such as Asana and, that allow for seamless project management.
Don’t Forget Your Culture
Even with employees that aren’t based in the office, it’s important to make them feel like they’re an integral part of your business. If they aren’t based too far from an office location, make sure to invite them to social events. Otherwise, integrate remote events in your social calendar – such as online quizzes and virtual game nights.
Internal communication is also key for sharing your company culture with remote employers. This can take the form of an internal newsletter, or by creating a employee community through your internet or social accounts.
Onboarding remote employees can be a challenge, but to ensure optimal productively and increase your retention rates – it’s essential. With clear expectations, the right technology, and a focus on connection and engagement, you can create an onboarding experience that is both successful and enjoyable for your new hires.
If you’re currently in the process of finding new talent within the life science sector, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts.